Sunday, October 30, 2011

Crazy for Coconut Fish

My kids are crazy for coconut, particularly for what we call "coconut fish." This is another easy recipe and not very exotic. But the kids love it and Ani has taken to reciting this recipe to other moms at the playground which totally cracks me up!

Shredded, dried coconut
Coconut oil
Sea salt

Step One: Cut (knife or kitchen scissor - both work) the fish into fish sticks. If you have kids (or a husband who likes to eat like a kid) this step can make all the difference in the marketability of the meal.

Step Two: Pour the shredded, dried coconut onto a large dinner plate. I usually pour out about a cup of coconut for a pound and a half of tilapia.

Step Three: Rinse the tilapia and roll it in the coconut shreds.

Step Four: Pour coconut oil into a pan over low heat and pan fry the coconut fish. Sprinkle sea salt on the fish as it is frying.

The sea salt is *crucial* to the flavor - we use the Celtic brand and without it this recipe is totally ho hum. But with just a bit of sea salt and the coconut crunchies it is a major hit. There are other kids at preschool who now get this in their lunchbox after jealously eying Ani's leftovers last year. Enjoy!

- Kati

p.s. Many thanks to my friend Kim for the inspiration behind this wonderful and simple dish. We eat it every Tuesday so if you ever need a taste test that is the evening to show up.


  1. Thanks for the recipe. I made it with cod. My son seemed to like it. I like it too. It's really filling!

  2. Hi Kati,
    Just found your blog today and I love it! Can you tell me where you get your coconut oil and shredded coconut?

    1. Hi Lorraine - thanks for your note!

      My favorite place for all coconut products these days is "Wilderness Families" where you can buy at wholesale prices if you spend enough $$. I go in on a big purchase with a few friends and we hit the minimum pretty easily, but we also use a lot of coconut oil!

      In the past I have also used the no-sulphur, no-sugar coconut shreds (and various coconut oil) from Whole Foods or our local natural food store. Hope that helps!

  3. Hi, Kati. Like the new blog! And I love this recipe. I'd like to feature it on my new site

    I'll talk about the recipe, what I did when I fixed it, and how my kids liked it. Then I'll give the recipe. I will also link to this blog, giving you full credit (first name only) and tell my readers just a little about your new blog. Does that meet your copyright requirements?


    1. Hi Heidi!

      Of course, you are welcome to link to the recipe and blog. I'm flattered :)

      - Kati
